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Understanding Your Emotional Body

Writer's picture: Debra GeeneDebra Geene

In previous articles I have described the overall qualities of the emotional body. In this piece I focus on the imbalances of two typical conditions -  an overweight and an underweight emotional body. 

In general, the overweight emotional body is hyper sensitive, over-reactive, prone to drama and addicted to emotional stimulation. In contrast, the underweight emotional body is insensitive, under-reactive, prone to denial and addicted to rationalization.  

Your emotional body occupies the frequency band in between your physical/etheric and your mental body. Because of this, the emotional body is highly influenced both by thoughts and by physical sensations. When you are in physical pain, for example, it's easy to have an emotional as well as a physical reaction. You may start out your day feeling happy but when lower back pain or the throb of a headache sets in the happiness can easily dissolve into irritability. Or if you go out to lunch with a friend and order something that doesn't’t taste good, it tends to dampen the mood of the outing.  

Because of its proximity in between the mental and the physical, the emotional body is also highly influenced by thoughts. If you think negative thoughts your emotional body begins to vibrate at a resonant frequency and negative feelings get evoked. Once that happens your emotional body can, in turn, influence your mental body. Negative thinking is easily reinforced, creating a resonant loop of negative thoughts and feelings.  

Since you are primarily made up of energy, the concept of resonance is important to understanding the overall functioning of your bodies. Resonance is a physics term referring to the amplification that occurs between two equal frequencies. It can best be understood through sound. Let’s say I have a tuning fork that is calibrated to the key of D. I strike the tuning fork and it begins to emanate the D tone. At that moment you walk into the room holding a fork that is also tuned to D. Without you doing anything, your fork will begin to vibrate on its own, emitting the D tone as well, because it is resonant with my fork, meaning, it is calibrated to the same frequency. If you are holding a fork that is tuned to any other frequency, nothing will happen because there is no resonance.  

If you think negative thoughts your emotional body begins to vibrate at a resonant frequency and negative feelings get activated much like the two tuning forks. Once that happens, your negative emotional body reinforces negative thoughts. An amplification loop is created in which the mental and emotional bodies feed off each other, forming a self-perpetuating resonance pattern. Left uninterrupted, negative resonance patterns can cause you to spiral into depression or irritability. In the next chapter we will discuss ways to interrupt these resonant loops.  

The interrelationship among the bodies is reciprocal. In addition to being affected by the thoughts and physical sensations of the mental and physical bodies, the emotional body also influences the physical and mental bodies. An emotional upset can easily get translated into physical pain or illness. You may become nervous and end up with a stomachache, for example, or experience frustration and then get a headache. An activated emotional body can also easily contaminate your thinking process, producing distorted ideas and faulty reasoning as the emotional body tends to throw its weight around and “bully” its neighboring bodies into going along with it.

Diet for the Emotional Body

Similar to your physical body, the size, shape, weight and overall condition of your emotional body are largely determined by what you feed it. Feelings are food for this body. Negative feelings are heavy because they vibrate at frequency ranges that are low, toward the material-substance end of the energy continuum. Negative feelings are like heavy, fat-saturated food. They are energetically dense, causing excess weight in the emotional body. In an effort to avoid negative feelings the tendency is to ignore or suppress feelings, but this deprives the emotional body of sustenance and causes it to emaciate. Positive feelings are light, yet super-charged. They are like super-foods, rich in phyto-nutrients, teaming with vitality, nourishment and life.  

To help illustrate the frequency differentials between various states of mind, the chart below, adapted from David Hawkins work, is helpful. Joy, for example, is calibrated at 540 in contrast to blame, which is a mere 30. If you feed your emotional body a steady diet of shame (20), hopelessness (50) and misery (20), the average frequency of your emotional diet is extremely low (30). Low vibration emotions “densify” your body, weighing it down, causing obesity. At the same time, a starvation diet that deprives your emotional body can lead to binging on denser emotions to fill the void or contribute to a feeble underweight condition. Invoking and nurturing positive feeling states makes for a healthy emotional body.  

Light States

Feeling State/Calibration:   Peaceful: 600   Serene: 540   Joyful: 540   Compassionate: 500   Reverent: 500   Merciful: 350   Forgiving: 350   Inspired: 320   Hopeful: 320   Trusting: 250   Courageous: 200   Empowered: 200  

Heavy States  

Feeling State/Calibration:   Angry: 150   Disappointed: 125   Anxious: 100 Afraid: 100   Disdainful: 75   Grieving: 75   Hopeless: 50   Blameful: 30   Vindictive: 30   Guilty: 30   Despising: 20   Miserable: 20   Shameful: 20  

~ Adapted from David Hawkins (Power Versus Force).  

To find out more about how to sustain a healthy emotional body, check out my book Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health.  


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